Abba Gelasios lived in Egypt in the fifth century. He was a scholar and a great abbot, two particularly important facts to bear in mind as you read the following story.
It was said of Abba Gelasios that he had a leather Bible worth eighteen pieces of silver. In fact it contained the whole of the Old and New Testaments. He had put it in the church so that any of the brethren who wished, could read it.
A strange brother came to see the old man and, seeing the Bible, wished to have it, and stole it as he was leaving. The old man did not run after him to take it from him, although he knew what he was doing. So the brother went to the city and tried to sell it, and finding a purchaser, he asked thirteen pieces of silver for it. The purchaser said to him, “Lend it to me, first, so that I may examine it, then I will give you a price.” So he gave it to him.
Taking it, the purchaser brought it to Abba Gelasios for him to examine it and told him the price which the seller had set. The old man said to him, “Buy it, for it is beautiful and worth the price you tell me.” This man, when he returned, said something quite different to the seller, and not what the old man had said to him. “I have shown it to Abba Gelasius,” he said, “and he replied that it was dear, and not worth the price you said.”
Hearing this, he asked, “Didn’t the old man say anything else?” “No,” he replied. Then the seller said, “I do not want to sell it any more.” Filled with compunction, he went to find the old man, to do penance and ask him to take his book back, but he did not wish to make good his loss.
So the brother said to him, “If you do not take it back, I shall have no peace.” The old man answered, “If you won’t have any peace, then I will take it back.” So the brother stayed there until his death, edified by the old man’s way of life.
“The Desert Christian,” by Sr. Benedicta Ward, (New York: MacMillan Publishing Co., 1975), p. 46