Curriculum for Scripture Lessons
The Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia has authorised the material and pedagogy used by teachers. This is the curriculum of the Pantanassa Monastery. A summary of the 2025 curriculum for infants, primary and high school can be found here: GO5 2025 GREEK ORTHODOX SCRIPTURE PROGRAM AND CALENDAR
Curriculum contact details
The contact details for further information about the contents of lessons are available from the Pantanassa Monastery.
Cyclical review of curriculum
There is an ongoing review of curriculum. Each lesson is reviewed, and amendments are made.
Every stage in the curriculum is reviewed and re-issued every three years for Infants, every four years for Primary and every three years for High School.
Curriculum scope and sequence
The list of topics together with the general aims and learning outcomes are published each year and are available on the website.
Specific enquiries about the aims and learning outcomes for any one of the 400 lessons are readily available upon request from admin@pantanassa.org.au
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SPIRAL BOUND BOOKLETS CAN BE PURCHASED at https://pantanassa.org.au/product-category/books-cds/scripture-books/